Monday, November 21, 2011

I am grateful for a weekend away with my sweetheart.

Last week my husband and I went to Disneyland together ... without the kids.  Aren't we crazy?!  Yes, but we LOVED every minute of it!  Here are the highlights:

Thunder Mountain during the fireworks!  
(Simply breathtaking)

Splash Mountain with a rain jacket.  
(I actually enjoyed the ride for the first time)

Clam chowder bread bowl at The Royal Street Veranda in New Orleans Square. 
(I want to go back just for this) 

Screaming my head off on the Tower of Terror.  

Watching the laser show in Electronica.
(Ohhhhh I wanted to dance sooooooooo bad)

A corn dog at no other place than The Corn Dog truck.  
(Guilty pleasure)

The Aladdin show.
(It was like seeing a show on Broadway)

Fast Passes.
(The park was packed, but we went on every ride without a hitch thanks to the Fast Pass system)

Matterhorn at night.
(Way more fun in the dark)

Nightmare Before Christmas haunted house.
(The giant gingerbread house is real and smells delicious)

And last of all, but certainly not least...  snuggling and holding hands on the rides with my sweetheart!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I am grateful for this quote by President Gordon B. Hinckley.

"The best antidote for worry is work.  The best medicine for despair is service.  
The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is more tired."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I am grateful for a few of the lessons my trials have taught me.

I have learned that our Heavenly Father truly knows us, and He is so anxious to bless us.

I have learned that it is important to keep ourselves as clean and worthy as possible to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  The process of constant daily repentance is key.  I heard someone say recently that saints are just sinners that keep on trying.

I have learned that we can feel the arms of our Savior's love wrapped around us in our darkest hour as we turn to Him.

I have learned that praying morning and night on bended knee, as well as truly seeking to have the Holy Ghost guide our prayers is beautiful and essential.

I have learned that scripture study every morning, coupled with prayer, is the most powerful boost to begin your day.  It will guide and strengthen you throughout your day.  It will help you accomplish what you need to do that day and it will help focus your energy so you can truly be a powerful servant for our Heavenly Father.

I have learned that laughter is healing.

I have learned that we all have a light within, it is our choice to share it.

I have learned that when we serve, we open up a joy and love that we cannot obtain on our own.

I have learned that it is important to remember that the commandment to love God, and to love our fellow men are the greatest commandments to keep. 

I have learned that listening to the programs on is life changing (especially the Conversations and Enduring it Well programs).

I have learned that if I do any good in this world it is because the Lord has allowed me to be an instrument in His hands.

I have learned that I don't have to be called on a mission to be a missionary.

I have learned that to be of good cheer is a commandment.

I have learned that the Lord will guide you to answers if you are quiet enough to listen.

I have learned that prayer with my husband should not to be forgotten.

I have learned that my job as a mother to these 6 wonderful children is the greatest responsibility I have been given on this earth.  I must not get distracted.

I have learned that "... perfect love casteth out fear."  1 John 4:18

I have learned that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13

I have learned that I am my strongest when I am bending down to lift another.  "Pause to help and lift another, finding strength beyond my own."  Hymn #220

I have learned that going to the temple is more rejuvenating than going to the spa. :)  It has become one of my favorite places to be.

I have learned that judging is not only harmful to the person I am judging, but it is destroying me.  "Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly?  In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can't see." Hymn #220

I have learned that "God [will] grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son." Alma 33:23

I have learned that I do not fear death.

I have learned that I do not fear life

Monday, November 14, 2011

I am grateful for this quote by Joseph F. Smith.


"If you wish your children to be taught in the principles of the gospel, if you wish them to love the truth and understand it, if you wish them to be obedient to and united with you, love them! ... You can't do it any other way.  You can't do it by unkindness; you cannot do it by driving. ... You can coax them; you can lead them, by holding out inducements to them, and by speaking kindly to them, but you can't drive them; they won't be driven. ... You can't force your boys, nor your girls into heaven.  You may force them to hell, by using harsh words in the efforts to make them good, when you yourselves are not as good as you should be. ... You can only correct your children by love, in kindness, by love unfeigned, by persuasion, and reason.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I am grateful for angels.

I believe in angels.  Angels out-of-the-blue knock on your front door to bring you dinner or a treat.  Angels listen to you cry or complain.  Angels are prompted to contact you via email or facebook on the really hard days.  Angels give you a gift certificate for a free massage.  Angels chat with you every week about spiritual insights and send you thoughtful things in the mail.  Angels let your children play at their house for hours and hours.  Angels forgive you when you are a brat.  Angels don't care that you are using their hard earned savings for something they can't even enjoy.  Angels give you tickets to go to the symphony, and then take your kids for a sleepover.  Angels drop all their plans in the summer to come help you for a week.  Angels call just to find out how you are doing.  ANGELS LIFT UP THE HANDS THAT HANG DOWN AND STRENGTHEN THE FEEBLE KNEES.  I love my angels!  Thank you ANGELS, you know who you are!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I am grateful for a new pet in our home.

My second oldest son earned his new pet and called him Redge.  Redge is an albino leopard gecko and lacks the cuteness of his chameleon, but makes up for it in awesomeness.  We are convinced that Redge can shoot lasers out of his red eyes.