I have been drawn to the subject of
light lately. I find myself frequently pondering upon the words "sun"
and "son," and marveling at their similarities. For example, we look to the sun
to provide light, warmth and life. Likewise, we look to our Savior, the Son of
God , to provide light (3 Nephi 19:25), warmth (3 Nephi
19:13), and Eternal life (Romans 6:23). Last fast and testimony
meeting, I was thinking about the concept of
light with regards to
testimonies, and I wondered to myself, "How can someone say I KNOW the Gospel of
Jesus Christ is true?" Suddenly the image of the sun entered my mind, and I
began to contemplate on how I KNOW the sun is real. I KNOW the sun is real
because it rises everyday, but really that fact alone isn't enough. It occurred
to me that the sun could rise and set without me even knowing it was there if it
wasn't for the
warmth and
light it provided. Because of this
warmth and
light that I tangibly feel and see everyday of my
life, I can say with perfect knowledge, I KNOW that the sun is real.
Then I began to ponder upon how I KNOW the gospel of Jesus Christ is
true, and how I KNOW that Jesus Christ is my Savior. And I discovered that I
KNOW these things are true because, just like the sun, the
light of
Christ powerfully rises within me and radiates in my countenance to all those
around me when I choose to follow the Savior's teachings. I am then blessed
with the
warmth and peace of the Holy Ghost which greater testifies to
me of my Savior's existance and His plan. Oppositely, when I do not follow the
principles taught by our Savior, I am dark and inwardly it feels like my life is
void of the sun. Simply put, when I follow the Son, I feel
light. When
I choose to stray from the Son, I feel darkness.
So, just as perfectly as I KNOW the sun is real, I
KNOW that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's true church
on earth, and Jesus Christ is my Savior.
16:9 "He is the
light and the life of the world; yea, a
light that is endless,
that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which
is endless, that there can be no more death." As a side note, don't you love
that the one day we have dedicated to full worship of our Savior is called