I believe in angels. Angels out-of-the-blue knock on your front door to bring you dinner or a treat. Angels listen to you cry or complain. Angels are prompted to contact you via email or facebook on the really hard days. Angels give you a gift certificate for a free massage. Angels chat with you every week about spiritual insights and send you thoughtful things in the mail. Angels let your children play at their house for hours and hours. Angels forgive you when you are a brat. Angels don't care that you are using their hard earned savings for something they can't even enjoy. Angels give you tickets to go to the symphony, and then take your kids for a sleepover. Angels drop all their plans in the summer to come help you for a week. Angels call just to find out how you are doing. ANGELS LIFT UP THE HANDS THAT HANG DOWN AND STRENGTHEN THE FEEBLE KNEES. I love my angels! Thank you ANGELS!!!
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